Brown Turkey Fig
ficus carica 

days to maturity: 12 months
plant spacing: 1 plant per 10 square feet
sunlight requirements: 6-14 hours
look out for: mealy bugs and leaf rust
harvest notes: harvest ripe fruit immediately when they blush and soften
seasons: spring, summer, fall


Since figs are so delicious its no wonder people want to grow them all over the world, including in the tropics. Since figs are native to a more Mediterranean climate they can sometimes find the humidity of South Florida challenging, but we have planted and cared for plenty of figs over the years that have made beautiful plants and delicious fruit for their owners. Fig trees stay small, grow slowly and can be sculpted into the shape of your liking with regular pruning. In the winter they tend to drop all of their leaves but then they flush out with beautiful new leaf growth and fruits in the springtime. Figs can grow happily in a large pot for years, so if you're looking for a good container specimen, this is it. 

Fig leaves are susceptible to rust issues in the humidity so if you see your mature leaves starting to speckle with rust colored dots you can either leave it be (your plant will just loose its mature leaves and get a big scraggly) or you can treat it in a few ways. First, make sure to only water the base of the plant, not the leaves ( to reduce moisture) and also make sure the plant is pruned for good airflow. if that doesn't clear it up you can spray with an organic fungicide, like Copper.