Nashia/Moujean Tea
Nashia inaguensis

days to maturity:
plant spacing: 1 plant every 4-12 feet
sunlight requirements: 8-14 hours
look out for: mealy bugs
harvest notes: can be kept small if preferred
seasons: fall, winter, spring and summer


Moujean Tea also known as pineapple verbena or Bahama berry, Nashia or Caribbean Thyme is a large bushy shrub indigenous to the Bahamas and very well suited to our subtropical growing climate.

The plant is covered in tiny shiny leaves with a rough texture that emits a delicious aroma when crushed. It has been compared to vanilla, honey, pineapple, and citrus. The leaves and flowers are used to make a tasty, sweet herbal tea or you can use them in cooking like you would thyme, just keep in mind they are more woody than a normal thyme leaf.

Our herbalist, The Garden Jules, says: Moujean tea makes a relaxing and calming tea that can ease the nerves and reduce anxiety. I love to blend the leaves with passionflower leaves and Lippia Alba leaves for a calming and homegrown before bed brew. Because of its strong aroma, Moujean tea is a great herb for infused body oil, Hydrosols or even herbal steams to cleanse and scent your home.

Bees go absolutely wild over this plants barely visible white flowers, as to the beloved Atala butterfly. Moujean tea loves humidity and heat! Be warned that Moujean Tea does not tolerate drying out. In fact, once of it’s nick names is “I dry, I die” so consider that your warning! Additionally, it can become a leggy if grown in partial shade, and it can become a giant if not harvested regularly but if pruned the plant can become a very nice, compact plant.