Ruby Supreme Guava
Psidium guajava
days to maturity: 6 months
plant spacing: 1 plant per 30 square feet
sunlight requirements: 6-14 hours
look out for: mealy bugs, thrips, worms in the fruit
harvest notes: harvest ripe fruit immediately when they blush yellow
seasons: spring, summer, fall
Guavas are one of our favorite fruit varieties to grow for home gardeners. They are easily grown, delicious, and a high yielding small tree; a two year old tree potentially producing hundreds of fruit per season. Pink fleshed guavas are incredibly floral, pungent and aromatic. These trees are in the myrtle family and produce beautiful flowers and thick leaves. Guava remain quite small and should be considered a “lower canopy” food forest tree. Beware worms in the growing tips of your trees (if they show up and do damage simply spray with Organic Thuricide) and fruit flies laying their eggs in your immature fruit (commercial guava groves put mesh bags on all fruit to avoid this pest issue).