strawberry blonde marigolds
tagetes patula

days to maturity: 50 days
plant spacing: 2 plants per square foot
sunlight requirements: 8-14 hours
look out for: mealy bugs at the base
harvest notes: pop flowers off the plant 2-3 days per week
seasons: fall, winter, spring


We love marigolds of all shapes and sizes because they make the perfect companion plant in the home garden. Not only are they easy to grow and prolific with beautiful blossoms, but they are also completely edible, with petals that can be used as confetti or sprinkles in a salad or on cakes, and very pungent leaves that can be eaten raw in herbaceous salads or used to flavor sauces.

We are intoxicated by the sublte mix of hues in this standard style marigold, which acts almost “hyper color” in the garden. In the mornings and when the days stay cool the red tones are dark and maroone, but as the day warms the flower changes to be more yellow and bright. All marigold varieties including this one are said to help deter pests because of their pungent aroma. While there is little evidence to prove that this companion planting technique works theres no harm in including marigolds in your veggie garden regardless, since they’re edible, beautiful and potentially pest deterrent.