Nasturtium Officinale

days to maturity: 60 days
plant spacing: spreading plant
sunlight requirements: 2-8 hours (likes shade)
look out for: aphids on growing tips, not giving it enough water
harvest notes: plant near an edge or in a pot so that new growth can hang over it, staying clean and making harvest easier
seasons: fall, winter, spring


Many people think that they can’t grow watercress unless they set it up in a pond or a kiddie pool, however watercress will thrive in any moist and shady corner of your garden. Be careful not to plant it in a crowded area, as it will crawl throughout your garden like a ground cover and will become harder to harvest if it's allowed to spread wherever it wants. As a crawling plant it makes new roots anywhere where a leaf node has enough moisture or is touching the ground. True watercress is considered a superfood and is pricey at the store so this is a great variety to add to your garden and your diet. Rich in Vitamin C, A, K, B6, riboflavin, and calcium, its peppery taste adds fun flavor and extra nutrition to any salad.