Indian Creek Residence

: South Beach, Miami Beach
Services: installation, organic maintenance
Size: 1700 sqft, featuring 8 custom oversized metal planters 
Project type: Kitchen garden, pollinator garden

A private residential garden for a family that prioritizes nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The garden was designed by a Belgian landscape architect and our role in this project started with the soil and a planting design curated for South Florida vegetable gardening. Our team sourced special soil and compost for this garden in order to assure the highest quality organic vegetables. The planting layout, which includes carefully timed rotations for a seamless harvest of kitchen staples like gem lettuces, cherry tomatoes, kale and broccoli is an on-going collaboration with the household chef. Weekly visits, almost year round, are vital to keeping the oversized metal planters in pristine order, maximizing production and maintaining a harvest routine which is delivered directly into the kitchen walk-in cooler. Priorities for this client include a planter entirely dedicated to pollinator plants to support beneficial insects, a wide assortment of culinary herbs and a night-shade free vegetable selection with the exception of cherry tomatoes. 




Casuarina Residence