"Greens" is a very diverse category of plants that encompasses all plants that produce a green leaf that you eat (instead of say, a seed pod or a fruit).

We consider greens to be one of the most essential categories of plants to grow in your kitchen garden. Not only are they easy to grow and delicious, but they will tolerate lower light situations more than fruiting plants will, and they are so much more delicious when eaten fresh harvested that day. Theres nothing like going out your backdoor and 10 minutes later coming back with all of the ingredients you need for the nights dinner and salad.

Most greens can be harvested using the “cut and come again” method meaning you only harvest the oldest leaves and let the plant continue to grow you more food from the interior of the plant. We suggest you consult youtube for how-to videos on the technique.

We sell most of our greens varieties in 4” pots that are about 6 weeks old, however for those greens that are eaten young (like lettuce, arugula & mustard) we also sell 6 packs of younger plants. This makes planting a big patch to harvest from more economical.


Fruit & Spice


Hot & Sweet Peppers